Guys NFT pictures have to be uploaded in centrelized server right? So it is no more decentralized ?
Привет уважаемые программисты. Как вы думаете, насколько безопасен мой способ авторизации?
can blockchain solve corruption ?
#question Is the logic to write smart contracts same in all platforms ? For example if I learn writing smart contracts in solidity (ethereum), then can I write them for Sola...
Beginner here. I see solidity tutorials, almost all of them using older versions of solidity. Why not to use latest version ?
In Binance, as I know, if someone want to buy coin, there must be someone who are going to sell it, right?
Hey beginner blockchain dev here. As I know blockchain ledger size is 149 GB. So in order to be a miner in btc network, I am required to have additional 149GB storage space, ...
so the question is why to deploy smart contracts on expensive ethereum network while there are more cheaper options ?
#question What is the best way of securing flutter web app ? I mean I want to give permission only for 1 person to visit flutter web app. How can I do that ?
guys this might be stupid question but what is the difference between metaverse and gta5 ? 😅
Heys Guys I am here with good question 🙂 Anyone ever used flutter for static websites ? How it is going ? Any laggy transitions ?
actually, guys, what blockchain developers do for living ? Writing smart contracts only ? and what else ?
#question I want to populate list in flutter by getting data from firestore. There are lot of items with images. Will there be any performance or memory leak issues ?
Hey guys, I have a question. What causes to coin price move ? Buyers and sellers ?
I am really entering this space, and everyone is talking differently. Some people on youtube saying that “you will not writing smart contracts, because they are already create...
Guys how to know how much money did I put on my account since beginning?
Hey guys, beginner question here. If I buy some NFTs from OpenSea, does my money goes to nft creator’s wallet ?
Can client see flutter web app’s code ? I mean I want to implement simple authentication within flutter web app and passwords will be inside code. Is it safe ?
Hi guys, can I aks where did “keep network” token gone from binance ? I think I had some, but it suddenly got removed from binance anyone know reason please ?
how this even possible ? I have condition about image variable to not be null. But dart says image can be null....