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Guys NFT pictures have to be uploaded in centrelized server

right? So it is no more decentralized ?

16 ответов

10 просмотров

But who said NFT's are decentralized?

I think NFT pictures have to be uploaded on decentrelized server.

wh said uploaded to centralized server

That's what ipfs, arweave and co are for.

That's what ipfs, arweave and co are for.

ipfs needs to be pinned, if not it's gone.

try sia network

not having a great feeling about sia

Steve ANT
ipfs needs to be pinned, if not it's gone.

That's true to some degree. But as long as someone pins it it stays online. And it also has the advantage that anyone can reupload and pin it again and it will automatically have the same cid/ipfs link

That's true to some degree. But as long as someone...

the only advantage i see about ipfs is the hash remains same. (unless collisions)

Steve ANT
the only advantage i see about ipfs is the hash re...

What size is space that is avaliable to use?

Xin John
What size is space that is avaliable to use?

you can pin as much data as you want (if you understand pinning)

Steve ANT
the only advantage i see about ipfs is the hash re...

Yes but that's a huge advantage because you can just save the images of your nfts yourself and upload/pin in case the storage goes offline. As long as someone still has the original file it can be restored. That's not possible with images stored under a centralized url.

Xin John
Your meaning, IPFS hasn't limit size?

IPFS doesn't limit size but pinning services like pinata will charge you for it. You can run your own node ofc.

IPFS doesn't limit size but pinning services like ...

Thanks for your answer. I want to know the limited size on IPFS for free like the pinata has 500MB for free.

Xin John
Thanks for your answer. I want to know the limited...

pinata let's you upload 500MB of files to their ipfs node for free. If you want more you need to pay them.

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