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#Question Is the logic to write smart contracts same in

all platforms ?
For example if I learn writing smart contracts in solidity (ethereum), then can I write them for Solana or Cardano platform by just changing programming language?

6 ответов

7 просмотров

Not necessarily. But for EVM chains it’s very very similar

BeastUZ- Автор вопроса
Gerald Maximus
Not necessarily. But for EVM chains it’s very very...

Sorry, what you mean by “not necessarily” ? You meant “changing programming language” or “sameness of writing logic”

Sorry, what you mean by “not necessarily” ? You me...

Depending on what the chain supports some logic might be different. For example, if you write a smart contravt in Haskell, I’d expect some of the logic to be diff than a non functional programming language such as solidity or rust. Same for Bitcoin script (scrypt I think it’s called)

BeastUZ- Автор вопроса
Gerald Maximus
Depending on what the chain supports some logic mi...

Do you have resources for writing Haskell contracts?

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