do you guys know any offline android game i can play for about 10 hours? im going on a long haul flight soon and im gonna be bored to death
why dont we just slowly torture all the mentally creepled people and display that in reality shows? lets normalize that, this way we eliminate all the bad shit in society, rig...
does the people's lack of curiosity make you feel sad or you dont care?
and what percentage of pedophiles are gays?
you really think that would have an acceptable delay?
internet is being kinda useless right now... i cant find a voice filter that enables voice changing like deepfaking or something better than just pitch changing, all i can fin...
does it have a thing called "fairing"?
wdym "a client"?
are you in north korea, china or russia?
you work as a teacher?
or launch the turtle?
tf you're on about?
if im not creating a mutable string then why would it store the capacity?
and you keep doing that?
my question is why the fuck would it store the capacity if its not mutable?
im trying to create a dirty file in ext4. basically i spent a good amount of time writting junk from /dev/urandom onto my /dev/sdb external drive. i created an ext4 partition ...
i've got a weird problem with linux 6.7.12, the problem doesnt happen in 6.6.15 i cant load any drivers i compiled with dkms (nvidia-current, vboxdrv, v4l2loopback) heres the...
does this work for anyone here? i really need to read this crap but it wont load. i tried using google cache but no luck, its also not...
the issue seems to be on the device itself, so maybe forcing a voltage fluctuation might be enough? lol
ever noticed how every response is worded differently? thats the seeding mechanism which should be random