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Im trying to create a dirty file in ext4. basically

i spent a good amount of time writting junk from /dev/urandom onto my /dev/sdb external drive. i created an ext4 partition on it later and was expecting it to let me allocate a huge file and see garbage in it, but there is no garbage, its filled with zeroes when i read it, if i inspect the underlying system i see garbage, not zeroes, it looks like ext4 is either reporting the zeroes or its writing and then reporting the zeroes.. in any case, is there any way i can salvage the time i spent writing junk in this drive?

9 ответов

4 просмотра

With a time machine?

jeff-lemon Автор вопроса
Martin Rys
With a time machine?

no i just want ext4 to let me say "here begins the file, and here ends the file, everything in-between is what it is" but its not doing that, its telling me there are zeroes in there even though I KNOW its filled with garbage

is it a ssd/nvme?

jeff-lemon Автор вопроса
jeff lemon
no, its a hdd

Why don't you just use SMART to wipe it?

jeff lemon
no, its a hdd

then you should find the gargbage you wrote before the mkfs

Youre watching so steins gate

Youre watching so steins gate

the only story with a time travel mechanic in it yes

jeff-lemon Автор вопроса

already explained here

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