Hi. According to the doc, the flash can be written/erased up to 10000 times. Considering this note, is this optimization a good one ? Repeated writing to the flash will make i...
Are you guys taking about politics ???
Using sys calls like open() ? And some required flags like O_RDONLY? Or "r" mode
Hi After execution of this command: find -name "dir*" -ok rm -rv {} \; I get errors like: "find: './dir3': No such a file or directory" While the file did exist (and it accomo...
Has anyone ever run into such a problem with arduino ? Whatever I print to the screen, it first prints some unknown characters and then the expected characters
Hi I have a question about stat modes. How come stat mode of the logfile.txt is the same as the file0.py ? Because I can do os.unlink("file0.py"), but when I do os.unlink("lo...
hi my MyAsus app has informed me of a new version of bios (version 300), i tried installing it but after this attempt it said: Update failed. Does anyone have any solution? My...
Hi Shall I read "Designing Embedded Hardware - O' Reilly" prior to "Programming Embedded Systems with C and GNU dev tools - O' Reilly" ? Which one takes priority and why ?
hi im a cs student. i need some advice from people who have enough experience in Embedded Software. I need to know whether this profession is suitable for me. I have watched s...
Branch instructions cause pipelined CPU to discard next instructions that are fetched from memory (because the subroutine instructions should be in the order of execution inst...
Can doing this result in any UB or segmentation fault ? delete ptr2; if (ptr1 == ptr2) // some code Because after deleting ptr2, it will be still holding its address.
Hey there Im a student and gonna dive into operating system concepts for the first time, got no background already. Which one do you recommend ? 1- Operating System Concepts...
How to make my cmd understand that "A B.txt" is a file ? It assumes I want to access the file with name "A". Like when I write "start A B.txt"
What does trivial mean when talking about c++ ? For example "trivial member function", "non trivial object"
Hey guys When returning a ptr from a function, in some cases, the ptr MUST be static or allocated on the heap (without getting deleted too early) to successfully return and u...
Hi In Geeks for Geeks website i read : "SRAM has greater storage than DRAM ... SRAM has less memory capacity." what does the word storage refer to? I'm confused by these wor...
Hi How can I use DELETE function (from request module) to delete something in my GitHub repo ? I get 403 errno by doing that
Hey there. Does arithmetic operations on iterators work in O(n) ? Example: std::vector<int>::iterator it = v.begin(); it += 6; Is "it += 6;" done in O(n) or constant time ?
Hi there Does deleting the 'instance' on line 24 result in deleting all data in the 'func' function (including 'output' and also static 'x') ?
Hi. What should I call such files with no format ? Windows identifies their types as "File". What should I write in the google so it understands what I mean and finds related ...