Hi mates I have recently started to study cyber security and as I understood that strong server side validation is tough enemy for hackers, so which tools of encoding - obfus...
Hey is it possible to ask cyber security here?
Hi mates I studied some caches and realized that there are different cache types Object caching, Browser, cdn... 1) does it really matter to use which type of caching to impl...
Привет друзья я могу (обычно) понять проект на github но я не могу создать свой собственный проект, не будучи независимым, да, теоретически я знаю, используя def sort if class...
Hi mates I installed Ubuntu from Microsoft Store and added into Windows Terminal but then i can't run it as administrator it shows the error: "there is not enough free memory ...
Hi mates would have a question, in YouTube, udemy etc there are tons of courses that show how projects can be done easily but in this case, wouldn't the competition be impossi...
Hi mates! After watching the Python, JavaScript, etc. tutorials completely, there are sample projects, such as a movie website or weather forecast. When we can do these withou...
Hi mates I don't want to disturb but have a question: I am studying Python Networking and meanwhile I checked Upwork remote jobs related to network/cloud engineering then ...
Hi mates have a question: I have recently become FullStack but i am afraid of not being able to get remots job due to high competition seems like Upwork, Linkedin, Fiverr are ...
Привет друзья, приятного вечера! Есть вопрос: есть игра, очень похожая на Clash Royale, но в формате WW2 для Android, графика неплохая, но баланс отстой, поэтому в Facebook по...
Hi mates I have recently finished the general concepts of Java , while I practise them I would like to also create APIs. On the net there are tons of tutorials for developing ...
Привет, друзья Я получил предложение о работе от компании-разработчика программного обеспечения, они ищут разработчика Python (C++), который разбирается в 3D-моделировании, и ...
Hello friends, i have installed platformio-ide-terminal package in Atom.io and i want to run the terminal automatically for each lab that i create, so i wrote this code in ini...
Hi mates what is the topic of changing pages Let's say that there is an online furniture shopping website There are sections for: Homepage Products Comments Contact with us I...
Hi mates, my system has 12 Gb RAM AMD Ryzen 5 5600 G with Radeon Graphics 3.90 Ghz, will it be enough for Blender + Unity usage?
Друзья, можно ли создавать темы для Блокнота или подобных приложений, таких как приложение чата, с Python Tkinter или PyQt5?
Hi is there anyone who knows MongoDB?
Привет, друзья, сколько ГБ лучше всего выделить для Ubuntu в Windows 10 с двойной загрузкой?
Привет, друзья, я использую Redmi Note 8 Pro, и его цвет текста серый, и его не очень понятно для чтения, так есть ли какое-нибудь приложение, которое позволяет изменять цвет ...
is it possible to make the text shiny like that?