169 похожих чатов

Hi mates I don't want to disturb but have

a question:
I am studying Python Networking and meanwhile
I checked Upwork remote jobs related to network/cloud engineering then noticed that developers either completed 100+ tasks or 0 tasks
Even though their hourly payment is cheaper, it seems like clients only want to work with specific developers and others don't get a chance, so cloud jobs remote not recommended anymore?

5 ответов

41 просмотр

nah, it's not dead, all you need is some experience and skills

Börke(МБорке)- Автор вопроса
so strong portfolio still helps?

you'll be fine as long as you're not someone that writes boilerplate all day

⟨ Simon | Schürrle ⟩
you'll be fine as long as you're not someone that ...

I'll admit that I haven't read the thread that this is part of, but could you please elaborate on what constitutes boilerplate here? Lately I've been particularly focused on a status monitoring script I wrote, that measures things like system uptime, service status, core count, load averages, memory, and temperature. Aside from that, I've tried to create a variant of bash's time that condenses this into a one-liner. Attached is a screenshot of some of my machines that are currently being used to test a development version of these scripts. Personally I'd argue that this solves a real-world problem, instead of being mere boilerplate. How would you define scripts like these?

I'll admit that I haven't read the thread that thi...

Stuff like the twentieth CRUD App is a lot of boilerplate but still solves a real world problem

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