i want to run the terminal automatically for each lab that i create, so i wrote this code in init.coffee but didn't work, what is the problem?
atom.commands.dispatch(document.querySelector('atom-workspace'), 'platformio-ide-terminal:toggle');
also tried atom-text-editor instead of atom-workspace, but nothing changed, every time i have to click plus button to get terminal
Have you tried vim or neovim?
i install VSCode, but Atom is neccesary for complex projects, also it is connected with Git, so i like it)
I'm using vscode and vscodium with platformio, and it usually works well even though I need to manually install platformio on vscodium. both projects have git integration. vscode is a fork of atom, to the feature set is very close
I didn't know vscode was a fork, wow, expecially given that both poducts are now technically owned by Microsoft.😂
Well, somehow Microsoft didn't destroy it, unlike other projects they take over... Have a look at the vscodium project
I don't think vscode is an atom fork, yes they both use the same tech stack, looks similar but definitely not a fork
Microsoft has many successful and flourishing projects - just like many other firms. Many of google's projects or even GNU's petered out as well. That's life: you cannot win every time.
Microsoft has a track record of EEEing external projects that they buy, even if they don't intend to do the finale E
So allegdly do many other corps and collectives can change: https://www.shlomifish.org/philosophy/philosophy/putting-cards-on-the-table-2019-2020/#people-can-change
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