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Hi everyone I'm considering writing linker for Windows x86-64 How hard it

should be? I want to write it to link rust/cpp programs faster in with parallel ways

22 ответов

39 просмотров

The hard part will not be making it work. The hard part will be 1) compliance to a big standard with a lot of legacy 2) maintaining it 3) security (regulations!) So if it's a toy project to learn how to link objects together, you should count a few weeks. If its a serious project, you are best advised to contribute your improvements to gnu/ld, for example

Jacob- Автор вопроса
The hard part will not be making it work. The hard...

I forgot to mention that unix (macos/linux) already have the mold linker which is fast and (production ready?) The only issue is with Windows in dev mode (edit-build-run cycles) I want to improve that cycle dev experience. Currently it takes 10s to link some large project with Rust on WIndows with lld. on Linux it takes 1-3s So it doesn't need to be military tested grade because it's just for faster development cycles

I forgot to mention that unix (macos/linux) alread...

7 seconds vs years of developement there's a nice acronym for ambitions like your's: YAGNI

Jacob- Автор вопроса
7 seconds vs years of developement there's a nice...

Years of development? it it's gonna be open source people probably will contribute. so I just need to make something that works first

Years of development? it it's gonna be open source...

Well, I don't want to stop you. If you manage to do something nice, I might look into it :)

I forgot to mention that unix (macos/linux) alread...

The struggle on windows is with debug information, and it may just get worse. Not even Microsoft have a clear understanding of the pdb format and the debug info for windows executable since the designers have long quit

I wonder how you will make it faster? 🙂

Jacob- Автор вопроса
I wonder how you will make it faster? 🙂

Just like mold did, doing things parallel and take advantage of all the cores

Just like mold did, doing things parallel and take...

U want to turn all the cores of a processor turn on ? Like i am talking about cores of a cpu 🙂 , P & E cores . and who is mold ?

Just like mold did, doing things parallel and take...

Listen buddy 🥹 , i am noob for sure . I dont understand ya like , what exactly your project and you want to accomplish by making it ? Can u show me a reference or a blue print of the idea or any github link of any program that works on ur idea let me know 👍 i would love to give u hand if i can help ya

search "mold linker"

It was great buddy thanks 👍🏻 hand shake -success !!:P

Brother there is lld Linking in clang right , well as far i came to know u can use mold :) in windows . Basically you need to make it from scratch git clone https://github.com/rui314/mold.git cd mold Build mold from here :) cmake -B build -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release cmake --build build Give its path in sys variables Just use the linker mate ;) , i mean by replacing the default linker of gcc and clang offcourse :P Now whenever you run the command to compile the program like gcc or clang , as you have modified its linker already so it will use mold liker now 🙂

Brother there is lld Linking in clang right , wel...

I am just hoping that you just want to achieve that in windows 🥹🤞🍀

I am just hoping that you just want to achieve tha...

Well mold is the fastest offcourse so i thought 🙂, why not getting the fastest in the pocket already, like why to build a new one 🥹 i mena if you want to grab, knowledge and experience thats great 👍🏻 or might you will create a new type of linker which is more faster than mold 🗿 OP bruh

Jacob- Автор вопроса
Brother there is lld Linking in clang right , wel...

Sadly mold supports only Windows. If there was fast linker for Windows I wouldn't consider write new one

Jacob- Автор вопроса
I am just hoping that you just want to achieve tha...

I want better dev experience. I prefer to work on linker 10,000 hours instead of wasting 10 hours of linking 😂

Sadly mold supports only Windows. If there was fas...

🥹 not windows bruh , its linux . And there is a linker whose speed is comparable to mold that lld available by default in clang 🙂 But still mold is fastest of all 😁👍 can understand ya speed is everything 😁

I want better dev experience. I prefer to work on ...

😂😂 u sure are something though ❤️👍

Jacob- Автор вопроса
🥹 not windows bruh , its linux . And there is a li...

Clang's lld is not fast as mold. lld works on windows

Clang's lld is not fast as mold. lld works on wind...

Yes lld is not fast as mold , but still not bad though ☺️ btw why not try my method :P , just get on hands with mold for windows 😁👍 it will look cool or lets say if u are building a new linker . Just start ur repo 🙂👍 new people will come , join and support ur repo offcourse

Jacob- Автор вопроса
Yes lld is not fast as mold , but still not bad th...

That's the plan, I hope that won't be too difficult

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