I do not see a property setting for this in the object Inspector. Do I have to do it in code?
Hi all. Can somebody please explain to moe how the Lazarus versions work? It seems you have so many around. What is TRUNK and what is the official version etc. I used the delu...
I can add the pas file but how do you add the form? This is not obvious or intuitive.
I build all my code using this version above. Then I installed the stable version using fpcupdeluxe but then my projects did not want to open. So I guess the version I used is...
Aaa OK so if I wait till 2.2.0 then what I build in 2.1.0 should work?
Thanks @Fabio_18883 and @Renat_Suleymanov for the info. So is a stable version released by fpc/laz? Where can I see what the official fpc/laz version is?
Is version 2.0.12 now the official stable version? I see it on this site https://www.lazarus-ide.org/
Yes so what is TRUNK?