i'm gonna build a genius.com clone what language/framework do you think works best? i know django to some extent and im open to learn new stuff too 👀
hey im trying to implement autocomplete for my django project. im using Bulma for my css. the autocomplete guide im following uses few scripts, but they apparently dont work w...
i'm trying to write a script to multiply matrices on a network, using socket programming. it's a recursive function(using Strassen algorithm) and i need to send each recursive...
django.db.utils.IntegrityError: UNIQUE constraint failed: auth_permission.content_type_id, auth_permission.codename what might have caused this error? it does happen in custo...
i have this: >>> a [1, 2, 3] >>> b [4, 5, 6] >>> alll [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]] how can i have a list of [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]?
i have the code in the image. how can i get the highlighted text from a certain html tag? i already have the code to get the highlighted/selected text from "the whole page" b...
Tried to update, I hit "update and shutdown" It took about 3 hours to reach 28% Then a bluescreen came up and pc restarted And it's been 2 hours since I'm seeing this. What sh...
I've a directory that includes some files in this format: "01-first-name-second.flac" I wanna rename them all so the name would only only include the "name" section. I tried ...
well i deleted them, also flushed the db so it makes sense for django to create the db again isnt it?
any ideas on how i can comment on portions of text in a django blog app?
so I have a presentation in few days and I chose the subject to be cli bcz i was always into them but never tried digging further. what sub-topics do you think would be intere...
Sqlite - I want to check a table, and find the owner of the username entered. Here's my code: http://kutt.it/64FFgt And my db if needed: http://kutt.it/Xy7PmJ It should print...
i have a string and i want to split it by multiple delimiters. re.split(pattern, str) seems not to work. example: str = 'name[20];' pattern = '[ ] ; < >' newStr = re.split(pa...
hey. im writing a script that changes some system settings based on some inputs. i can make it a one time input, like get an input, change the settings and stop the execution....
where does that "code" come from? arent you talking about models.py?
i have a /swapfile but i can't find it as a partition. how can i make a swap partition out of the file? i want to match my /etc/fstab 's UUID with blkid 's output
Preferred partitions for Manjaro? (1tb HDD, 8gb ram)
What's the best phone one can have now?🙂
So I just faced something in a video about Apache log files, it says: since it's an environmental variable it's created with export so I'll search for that 1. What's an enviro...
I feel like academic world is totally different than what i wanted it to be. I thought it's supposed to help me get ready to work after tge study is over. But now? I'm just pa...