bot.on('message', (msg) => { bot.onText(/^\/start/, function (msg, option) { var option = { "parse_mode": "Markdown", "reply_markup": { "one...
Hi guys i have a question. Node.js or PHP?
hi can anybody answer me for: my notebook has ssd hard disk, 4gb ram and core i5 but after installing ubuntu and only working with atom and chrome my notebook fires WHY?
Hi everybody what kind of framework do you advise for testing?
hi everybody whats difference scanf() and fscanf() ?
which kind of request is safe GET or POST?
How about Mocha?
how can I save the data to mongo which comes from telegram bot. Actually i did for one bot, but no idea about 2 or 3 bots?
Hi everybody, who knows why I can not join the devs group via link?
is it ok that only with Ubuntu my ram is working on 41%?
Hi everybody what is the difference between Arm64 and X64?
Mr how can disable the button after pressing it?
Hi everybody, why I need "use strict" mode?
Hi everybody can anybody link me to linux group?
can anybody help me for node.js with mysql?
Then should I install for my notebook x64?
and what is difference scanf with sscanf?
Why do you need work with registers?
hi guys what is compiz process?
No, where should i enable it?