why do we need terinary, octal, hexa decimal if computer understands binary system only ?
what bit shift operators do which binary operators can't do ?
Is this a good way to store string in char array using vectors Or there is any better approach ? ...
what can be the next step after learning java basics ?
here, at same address two different datatypes are stored . how is it possible to store two things at same place in memory ?
when we run this program, given input gets overwrite on the previous given input in console. how to can we get input in new lines without overwriting the previous one ? // P...
if we do not use constexpr , will the same program do calculation at compile time or at run time ? see this example https://pastebin.com/yAh9eyDN
how to increment int value of vector of pairs ? vector<pair<string,int>> ques; like below : for(auto row: questions){ row.second++; ...
is there any way to print like this using loops ? The sizeof(char) is : 1 bytes The sizeof(short) is : 2 bytes The sizeof(int) is : 4 bytes The sizeof(long) is : 8 bytes The s...
Is is it a good way of printing string using pointers ? ...
can anyone explain the following in simple words ?? ...
what are the operations we can perform on char array ?? other than getline
how do I run javascript, html , css code on android ??
Is it a list of 5 apples ?
In VSCode, I am unable to use Point class in java ? Is there any specific extension for this class ?
how can I check whether my C++ compiler version is latest ?
how can I do android screen mirroring in laptop ?
and what about these specifications ?
You mean , like this ? first_array = {3, 5, 2, 7 , 5, 4, 8, 2, 4 ,1} ...
https://del.dog/ymisecibiw how to make fleet movement using pygame ? I am stuck into ...