Like we had so much potential and momentum ...remember the wired magazine article about steemit? Hive really dropped the ball on the very fragile name brand recognition of hiv...
Could you imagine how terrible hive COULD be if everyone from reddit got an account overnight or if reddit became a front end for hive overnight? Imagine that. We'd all probab...
i dont see anyone using alcor the ONLY telos dex and thus no activity i never see any of my nfts sell on telos yet my nfts sell on wax hive and proton i never see any dapps ...
its a funny coincidence for me finding a bottle of "Trillium" like TLN since ive been making physical wax card gift links with fancy materials lol maybe j should make some a...
Should Telos be forked and maybe have co founders create a Telos Classic with smaller supply and partial airdrop to existing telos holders with a larger proposal pool maybe? o...
wow that telos gamestop PLAYR partnership stuff seems crazy is playr liek a steam competitor? i iknew i could sense something with physical telos, i envisioned seeing stores w...
what would you have telos do? give 1 telos delegated to everyone on twitter ? maybe that can work but i mean the idea of anyone able to buy and vote is the whole point. at the...
imagine thinking telos should take resources away from actual promising tech like proposal system to work on games and nfts when telos has not a single game anyone knows of , ...
Whoever runs Tswaps, and i would like to request your pegged token service you have used to allow EOS APX to convert to Telos APX, for some new projects i want to br...
anyone in SOuthern California feel that Telos Earthquake? It was made with my telos weather control earthwquake dapp, you stake telos ram and pay for an earthquake using my ne...
and if we voted no was there anyway to actually propose a change? or just wait for the oligarchs to make a new proposal?
im about to change a password/key on wallet hive blog is that ok? do we use something else now? and the new ?master password? is that an owner key or one of those, master keys...
hey so whats in tedp4 ? last time telos did an economic development plan i remember the price went way up from a very deep low and got a lot of new investors .
i wonder what protocal neftyblocks used to make these nfts? is it atomicassets? i see i had to make a schema and template just like atomichub
app looks telos user friendly i like seein the eos and tlos logos i just wish main logo had a crypto logo in it so i wouldnt hesitate , coukdnt u fit a lil btc logo in that ...
notice the telos logo? yeah its telos related telos has so few dapps you cant pick and choose what to allow in @hellotelos What did i do wrong here? Unable tosign why? anyone know ?
if anyone has a better idea for what to forward to or also maybe that can be a telos based game where you capture ether with nets in discord or tele...
@foflexity Can Telos EVM help scale Chainlink? It's used so widely in ethereum
lol it says "play with eos"? has both eos and telos?