210 похожих чатов

Could you imagine how terrible hive COULD be if everyone

from reddit got an account overnight or if reddit became a front end for hive overnight? Imagine that. We'd all probably get auto downvoted as giant companies buy up all the hive haha we may need reform first

Careful what you wish for!

3 ответов

5 просмотров

Ofcourse @evgenx88 Hive is really great, we could make it greater by sorting out its few issues which could help it become the best network in the entire crypto space. The idea behind it is awesome, only spoilt by some issues. *Not really a good idea for Voting Power to be based just on how much money you have as that could be easily abused by the guys who print endless amount of money in centralized world or people with alot of money to throw away. We could still give the rich guys the opportunity to invest and earn staking rewards or something like that, without letting them have unchecked power. Or maybe we should just combine the money based Voting Power with evidence based Voting Power (which was proposed here in the past) to check and balance any abuse that may result from the money based power. I will probably be OK with combining the two (Money based Voting Power plus Evidence/knowledge based VP/HP)

🟣Ackza𒀖-DDATE - KANDA - SAND Автор вопроса
Ofcourse @evgenx88 Hive is really great, we could...

Those are just acronyms. Have you even learned about the history of steemit and Dan vs Ned yet tho? And stake based voting is at the core of this whole experiment. If it's not based on money then it becomes like every other fake reddit karma upvote system... let hive be at least the one example of stake based power When it was just steem when I joined in 2017 I myself and others all had huge opportunity for upward mobility, to earn our way to more tokens staked and more power It's still one the of the most fair systems out there for new users to gain power. The only issue is lack of users because when we do have enough users we see plenty of evidence of large portions of the tokens going to new users and new dolphin accounts growing faster than other blockchains. If you really were serious, you would have a scotbot tribe already and would experiment with the rules your talking abiut inside your own hive community

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