Title: DigiByte: The Savior of the World Panel 1: The year is 2045, and the world has been plunged into chaos. Governments have collapsed, and the world is ruled by a handful...
How is everyone doing? Was a good but expensive weekend for me. Got lots of work done on DigiAsset Core despite my laptop failing on me. Don't worry the cost of the replace...
JoHNxRiGLERzzz: Is the REDACTED group a scam? It promised an airdrop and opens metamask, but digibyte isn't EVM compatible as far as I know. Interesting no link. Anyways DG...
Just for fun. Wife doesn't want me to spend money on https://www.amazon.ca/Dungeons-Dragons-Essentials-Kit-Boxed/dp/0786966831/ref=asc_df_0786966831/?tag=googlemobshop-20&lin...
This is a strange conversation. Neither of you have read the rules. Is this some kind of strange scam technique?
Anyone know how to get telegram support?
What is funny is you can ask it what is DigiByte? And it will give correct answer. I ask it to write a story set in dystopia future where DigiByte is used to save the world ...
Hey everyone just made the first ever on chain auction on DigiByte. How it works. You send your bid to DAAnqMDx5GzWJ3dYx5sKf5VrHskZBmLkgx If the bid is greater then the cur...
Change Angel now has Digi-ID Login. Check them out. https://twitter.com/changeangel_io/status/1450908742564950024?s=19
Someone is moving a lot of DGB https://chainz.cryptoid.info/dgb/address.dws?DFZkaKRCnXwPckr6fFz9c7UDddGhqx9mUX.htm
https://twitter.com/mctrivia/status/1522749162042843136?t=DNGUotZ4l-1uw70j1wOeMw&s=19 I just put an entire minecraft World in a DigiAsset
Who wants to play with smart contracts? https://twitter.com/mctrivia/status/1472263284480950276?t=gX1C6kWTIpvCWzzY1UaLXQ&s=19 Only 1 DGB
So the question is do you have proof they are doing anything wrong? Because if you don't then you are slandering them. You can say warning new group all you want but calling...