For DigiByte help, check the DigiByte troubleshooting tool it covers most common problems. And if it doesn’t help you, it will put you in touch with our human volunteers. Only scammers will private message you.
Write Pavel Durov)
You don't 😆Why?
Are you looking for tech support for devs, or user support?
For DigiByte help, check the DigiByte troubleshooting tool it covers most common problems. And if it doesn’t help you, it will put you in touch with our human volunteers. Only scammers will private message you.
DGB, when to upgrade
Because DigiByte is being developed and supported by a Core-team and Community (all non-paid volunteers), we can never commit to dates to accomplish future projects. Therefore, please consider future projects to be flexible in time. We have a DigiByte Pipeline instead: DigiByte Pipeline A list of items that we want to do for DigiByte, some with / without bounties etc attached, and others simply as a great way to cut your teeth on DigiByte. Visit DigiByte Pipeline DigiByte Monthly Updates Here you can find what is currently being worked on and what has been accomplished on a month to month basis. Visit DigiByte Monthly Updates
See Rose's explanation above.
Someone has already registered my phone number.
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