209 похожих чатов

How is everyone doing? Was a good but expensive

weekend for me. Got lots of work done on DigiAsset Core despite my laptop failing on me. Don't worry the cost of the replacement won't come out of donated funds.

Please consider donating at digiassetcore.digiassetx.com and if you want your name on the Donor list send me a PM first.

13 ответов

9 просмотров

If i may suggest going for a thinkpad workstation laptop is the best thing i did,those are work horse.

If i may suggest going for a thinkpad workstation ...

Got second cheapest laptop I could get at Costco that would run ubuntu. Crazy how much they have gone up. Wish I had the funds to get this also https://ca.thexebec.com/products/xebec-tri-screen-2?gad=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwscGjBhAXEiwAswQqNHgtFAY0k7_2k9lHXTsSKglVd_aXytQCZA1LxgywQkatRHKMW-SkRhoCMDcQAvD_BwE&nb_adtype=pla&nb_ap=&nb_fii=&nb_kwd=&nb_li_ms=&nb_lp_ms=&nb_mi=249380854&nb_mt=&nb_pc=online&nb_pi=XTS2-2-N&nb_placement=&nb_ppi=&nb_ti=&nbt=nb%3Aadwords%3Ax%3A18790435918%3A%3A&shpxid=5a56cc73-2e1b-4ee1-bf80-950825b718ff&utm_campaign=Google%20Shopping&utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=google But out of budget :(

Hi, where is Jared?

@VAU Vavouvich
Hi, where is Jared?

He part of dgbteam or not?

@VAU Vavouvich
He part of dgbteam or not?

Of course he is, he's part of the community, the community is the team

@VAU Vavouvich
Hi, where is Jared?

He stepped out of the office, said he was getting his 4th booster but he should be back soon

Lol. Doubt he got his 4th Booster. Even though he was pro helping and 3d printing masks once Rump said covid was nothing he swapped sides completely.

Matthew Cornelisse🇨🇦 (I will not PM you, don't PM me)
Lol. Doubt he got his 4th Booster. Even though h...

Lol yup. As soon as his "side" changed course he did as well like a good little NPC

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