You can trade FIDA on FTX, Binance and some other exchanges, you can swap on Raydium with this link
Hey, anyone know what causes this error? The transaction cannot succeed due to error: execution reverted: TransferHelper: TRANSFER_FROM_FAILED.
So you want to link your Twitter Handle?
Can you try bidding 2.63 FIDA?
Are you sending links?
You can't import your wallet to Bonfida, you mean you connected your Sollet to Bonfida, then went to the Balances tab right?
Well where do you have it?
Can you try to CTRL F5 and see if it shows as available? because I can see it just fine ready to register here.
Are you sure you had won? Maybe a last minute bid kept the auction going for 10 minutes more.
What happens when you click on it?
Can you send me your Tweet through DM?
Can you send me your SOL address?
Can you take a screenshot of it?
On the Balances page?
You won that auction?
Do you have enough SOL ?
You need help with something?
After you set the time?
Do you have enough SOL?