Where are the 10 million dvpn from the community pool that were used to make the kijura proposal happen?
@ironman0x7b2 What happens with the Sentinal validator commissions on the various chains you run a validator under the sentinel name? Are you still developing for the sentinel...
How do we know that the part of the teams that are part of the foundation don't just blindly distribute founds to themselves? After all they all seem connected and it would be...
Does anyone else has this happening?
Biggest cap yet. How is this group welcoming to normies? Sentinel isn't just for crypto bros that can accept and look over this shit. We want to be a mainstream vpn and want a...
Is there any other explorer that features a lot of chains beside mintscan? The update made it pretty unusable unfortunatley
How much dvpn get released for marketing purposes in month 15? How much in month 17? This graph shows nothing. https://miro.medium.com/max/1400/1*K8_H3IInYfpJ_CQPpJbOSg.png
Why leave it up tho? Is the point I made not valid? Do admins not care about creating a healthy and welcoming non-toxic community? Is the aim of the group and project to attra...
@jacobgadikian Is the relayer for sentinel struggling again?
1) We want to know how our work was Evaluated since January. @maso_bricks so how was it evaluated?
Is the relayer for deposits to osmosis down?
There already are external dvpn incentives active on osmo?
What use it it to do this in the Sentinel group itself?
I need the project at an alt so I can buy bigger bag. Am I a fudder now?