How is it integrated with independent dvpn?
And those questions that he asking us before going forward: For large language models and some of the large scale of image generation models, the development of those models ...
The Sentinel #dVPN ecosystem is the first DePin network to have infrastructure in Iran. The Sentinel Iranian community is hosting a V2ray node from Iran so our friends acros...
Now the real question is how should the data layer be positioned alongside the DVPN narrative to avoid confusion, will the same twitter promote both? should the data layer rec...
A significant update which marks the beginning of Sentinel's aggressive journey for user acquisition, 'Node Health Checks' are now live and integrated with the current subscri...
Currently design work for the node dashboard is going on. The node dashboard + node health check + all incentives going through the subscription plan will be a gamechanger. 3...
Is everyone ready for what is to come?
Is it possible for a cosmos project to currently bridge supply to solana and open a pool there?
there is a good discussion and point coming up around DVPN nodes being restricted to receiving payment in the form of DVPN tokens. subscription creators can receive payment in...
NEED USER FEEDBACK FOR UPCOMING NODE DASHBOARD (Browser page) key information for node dashboard: *search with node ID* - node related information - uptime % last 30 d...
please watch this from 3:33 for 45 seconds, this will be all DVPN chat members at age of 70. CIA FBI
The first AI data miner android software is ready and we need your help for testing. Is the community ready today?
No there is not, what would be a good number to establish?
Cracked means they are using exploit for paid vpns?
Check your nodes to see if they have passed the node health check! If they have not, stay tuned to go through the generic troubleshooting processes to fix your node and then g...
Who is ready to test the flagship sentinel dvpn app?
they dont like app if it doesnt have email/password login? @alexlitreev
Which chains are missing?
Who tried the new cosmos ux?
A very interesting point of view. What do you think?