Good day Moonbeam team & community, I am an early investor in your project and currently global BD for Hotcoin Global exchange. Key innovations of the exchange regard copy co...
Any document for Futures trading? I would like to find out more regarding Liability compensation, slippage compensation, reserver system, trading risk control policy etc.?
Hi all, I have moonbeam on talisman wallet, trying to connect to stellaswap to sell/buy. When connecting talisman wallet to stellaswap, I am stuck on “initializing” for over 3...
Why is it so difficult to find out what slashing means for the staker. Are the funds staked at risk of being taken away, or the rewards? If youre a small fish, whatever, but 1...
Y damp?
Upon unstaking, is the staking coin automatically swapped to 500 srm and will automatically go back to my sollet wallet? Or after 7 days unstaking need to take action on stake...
Do we need to unstake? Please provide any documentation regarding these updates, migrations etc. I am staking 2 staking coins
Hey I have connected ledger to phantom, cannot seem to track sol holdings in ledger live, anyone maybe who had this too and knows how to resolve?
Gee wizz, takeflight purchase will be available 20 feb right? Price 0.25 at takeflight, incredible
Balance on metam8sk is 0, any eth or else req. in wallet to receive takeflight tokens?
Network launches upon crowdloan start or finish round 1?