but problem is, all market is pumping except us?
Well I don’t know about what he’s saying.. okay building is great but did we see this similar price action with any other big chains that are still building? Take eth for exam...
Why 1inch wants to swap eth to weth first everytime?? I’m about to stop using 1inch forever… it wasn’t doing that before
I want to ask another thing about limit order.. does it take fees to place limit order. In other words will it take two time fees one for limit and one for execution trade?
weekly cash report keeps shrinking, is it the coin devalue or the rewards shrinking? I dont know. all i know is that I locked 10 yrs for loss apparentely. Can anyone shed any ...
What else can I do seriously it’s my id and passport I verify with it the same way in everywhere it works but with your app it never works?
What’s the best ftm staking platform? In Binance flexible staking is just 1% so low
whats our roof here? any1 knows