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Weekly cash report keeps shrinking, is it the coin devalue

or the rewards shrinking? I dont know. all i know is that I locked 10 yrs for loss apparentely. Can anyone shed any light and please take this as a concern, dont mute concerns.

2 ответов

7 просмотров

Hi! Why should we mute concerns? This is a comunity chat, we want it as open as possible, for the good moments, as well as for the less good ones. We are all investers, like you, I have a substantial amount of my crypto portfolio locked in for 5 and 10 years, other locked for smaller amounts of time. Still, we are all in the same boat. Yes, the coins are all in the red this week, in case you missed it, BTC alone dumped about 10% just this week. DFI also by riding that wave, let's not forget that the biggest pool (assuming you are speaking about DFI when you say you are locked) so a big shift in BTC, causes a big shift in DFI. But in general, all altocoins bleeded this past week after BTC. As for the rewards, in DFI, they always decrease at a constant rate much like BTC, but that is neglectible against such market drop like the one a few days ago. All this is public and widespread available information, have you not searched it? The same way, and if you not searched, there is a proposal that is getting voted to automatically stake the coins that are unused in the platform (therefore, not producing any interest) and use the rewards of that to buy and burn DFI, creating buy pressure and with that in theory, a price increase. If you have frozen coins, you should have seen this warning for voting in your app also. Have you not checked it out? We are all investors here, so we all need to act accordingly and when the oportunity to make an impact in a decision is ptesented, we all need to vote. Hope you have checked and voted 🙂

Pawn- Автор вопроса
DanieL BaptistA
Hi! Why should we mute concerns? This is a comunit...

Thanks for the response. I've actually frozen my coins 10 yrs three years ago I think in 2021 or 2020 can't remember the exact date. It was called cake not bake. Since then if I remember correctly all the defichain hat I was receiving are automatically being put back into staking "Normal staking" and I left it never touched anything. In fact I decided to leave my frozen (Actually i'm forced to) but also leave my auto-compound staking that happens for the whole duration. Also I said ill never log in to the platform until the frozen gets unfrozen and see my results hopefully I am alive by then.

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