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🌐 B A K E  KYC 🌏 I)who's eligible for Re-

-All countries (unless not supported)

II) Where do i start to do Re-KYC?
-Log in as usual, at the home page there's pop up message ''! You must update your KYC information by 6 October 2023 due to international regulations"click > black to proceed.

III) What are the requirements:
- POI (Proof Of Identity)
  ✅* ID card
  ✅* Residence Permit
✅* Valid Passport

-POR(Proof of Residence)
✅ * Utility bill, internet/cable tv/     phone bills (including mobile)
✅* Bank/credit card statement
✅* Tax invoice
✅* Government-issued residential statement/certificate
✅* ID card as long as it contains your home address information. (Same ID card can be used to prove both your identity and residential address details.)

❌NB:not screenshots, documents older than 3 months

- Take A Selfie
✅*follow prompts
- Profile Details
✅*Verify and complete your personal information

Why I'm asked to do KYC again?
✅*Singapore wants to be a role model on what crypto concerns, so they will make more updates to the law in the future

⚠️If you require assistance, please reach out to the Bake team via our official CS channel

Contact Support

⛔️Important: Bake will never contact you via Telegram or send you an unsolicited message.🛑

1 ответов

14 просмотров

Bake should take into account that many people are working abroad, expats, digital nomads etc…providing KYC details with ID card from your country of origin is one thing and providing prove of residence is another thing, we live in a world were more and more people spend time in different countries and pay taxes in the country they work (if staying more then 180d) the rules should be adapted to accordingly

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