Or is there something we aren’t in the loop about? Only having three of our most brilliant “flagship dapps” of the 6
I’ve been pondering on what is honestly the purpose of crypto and what is it that is being achieved? Essentially its what is blockchain achieving? I know a lot of developers w...
Like did polygon reach three million only on 3 dapps? How long did it take? Or did they need 150 dapps to reach that number and to what length?
I read about polygon being part of the disney accelerator program on the news. Wouldn’t this benefit skale if it was part of it? How is polygon able to make these partnership ...
I mean that’s what you said too Marcos. The main focus is towards dev. If we care about price THIS is not the channel for it. I don’t get the talk of ape, really and top hundr...
ok I read about it and now I don't know how it relartes to skale. Is there some sort of partnership, interest?
To say we have bad social engagement is purely fud. If our engagement is bad then why are we getting all these dapps onboard? The company said they are marketing towards dev a...
1. How prepared is skl when recession comes into full swing? 2. Has the company made any net profit over the past 3 quarters? 3. We see a lot of cex like voyager and such no...
so what if there is no rally. then what happens? I dont get what is the rally saving us from?
Did you guys ban bob hopkins?
1. When will the dapps start to actually pay for renting the chain? 2. Why is the graph incompatible with skl?
@MarcosHash256 I have a question. Brief background about myself, I'm a software engineer with only year and a half experince. I've worked with web3.js and learning how to utli...
Does skale pick and choose who uses the network?
got my coinbase debit card. can we have skl be part of the rewards cashback option?
but I dont get how what I said was fudding? I told Stephen that facebook does not care about some people commenting on a telgram channel
@MarcosHash256 Do you really think Facebook is going to judge Skale network just based on this channel? and just a few people commenting?
Was Ben right all along?
Wasn’t the v2 launch promised in 2020?
But what about minds?
I didn't know or was fully aware this is how it worked. Was this mentioned somewhere before?