Hi team, with the latest changes to the rates if my ‘Account LTV’ is showing 19.67% in the Credit Hub does this mean i will benefit from 0.0% APR?
Hi team is there a reason why i can’t see my SGB deposit in gate yet. The tx has been successful for over 20mins but nothing has appeared in my account?
Hi team can we vote on the new staking delegation proposal?
Hi Team, I participated in the gCOTI program and wanted to check if there a way i can unlock my tokens and forfeit the rewards?
What time are tF tokens being distributed?
Anyone know what happened to the Cosmoon collector and if it will be coming back online?
What projects are available on Moonbeam that interact with the Layer0 protocol?
Hi team does subscan show the order in which you staked to a collector?
Hey team, does any of the team reach out to potential projects to get them onboarded? Reason i ask is that Yuga labs (Board Ape yacht club) are thinking about creating their o...
Hi Team, is it possible for polygon to port over via Moonbeam?
Hi admin, please can you advise what assets will be used when i make i card payment. Can i choose to use gbp?
@VOvadenko this has been like this for around 3 hrs now all my other deposits are active, think it might be when the site went down. Please can you advise?
Hi Team, how much insurance cover is provided for depositing GBP?
Hi team, is there any risks of losing your stake when choosing specific collectors?
Hi team, when will the Moombeam network be available on Curve?
Hi team, Is there any reason why kucoin and Binance matic withdrawals are disabled?
How many glimmer will parachain participates receive for each DOT loaned?
Hi Admin, please can you advise when we might be receiving our songbird tokens?
Hi team, with the new staking model…if i am in the middle of a revoke request and i cancel the revoke will i start receiving rewards immediately again?
Hi team, when will we get an update on song bird airdrop? Please can you advise whether this has been discussed?