What is the best IDE for C++ programming besides QtCreator, CLion?
Translate then scale or scale and translate?
I've a texture problem with OpenGL. I'm sending float coordinates from the CPU to the shader. Might that be the problem? When I move the character, the texture glitches very w...
How can I have many lists of components by type and still not have to use pointers? (i.e. struct Components{ Vector<ComponentType> list; }; std::unordered_map<ComponentType...
Meaning, should I keep any state in them?
Have you guys checked this out? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wqpxe-s9xyw
Would you say this is a silly implementation of an ECS? https://repl.it/@VictorQueiroz/UniformCookedFirm
For those using Unity, how does components get connected?