Look, this thing is at $2.8 and now you're asking us to pay more money ?
we're not changing the name "EOS", are we?
When Eos Network Foundation official EOS card ?
do you even break-even after 10x ? that's $0.002
and now you want us to pay 5k EOS to reserve our token symbol ?
"a conditional spot in the top 21"?
Isn't the EVM coming out in summer?
how many users does the game have?
Can I sell your house to someone else, Chris ?
will you dedicate your life to the gluedog cause, @Datajunky ?
You know what would help a lot? If everyone just moved over to the new channel.
but do you have a background in gorilla marketing?
and how fast would their response time be in case of an incident ?
do we have a speaker?
can my Official glue token have a custom function or not?
Brock Pierce at it again ?
@Datajunky did u know there was outdated and wrong info about eos on CMC ?
are the sandwich people basically just miners that insert their actions before and after a trade, or are they also regular users who take advantage of slower users that use le...
how would someone with no technical background even be fit to identify blockchain projects and give funding?
If we froze the funds of the SX vault hacker who stole the EOS, why not freeze the funds of the B1 company that also stole the EOS ?