Hi there, A while back I bough Steady BTC on injective. this token is going to be updated and i need to sell it or withdraw it to sommelier, now i see there is practically z...
I would like to buy this token to hold eth and earn rewards without paying gas fees. using polygon network on uniswap. is this legit?
Hey there folks, How can I verify if a token in 1inch is legit on Polygon network ? For example if I want to buy stellar token or PaxG for example on Polygon Network, I see...
So regarding the vote About the cosms wasm proposal. How do you all feel about it that anyone can see what you vote and that there appearantly can be consequences / rewards? ...
Does Akash have tailored business packages / sales team for corporate players that might want to rent massive resources via Akash, but without any hassle? it seems that might ...
Hey there admins, While trading perpetuals on Injective I am running into the following issue: If I want to reduce my position, sometimes Injective will not allow me and give ...
the value is much higher than actual eth.. is that because of the price going up becasue of staking rewards ?
Would it be possible to swap evmos for another token in diffusion , then deposit that token into injective and then trade back for evmos?
hi there! is there any place where ican buy or trade AGIX on polygon network and or arbitrum network to avoid paying ethereum gas fees?
which wallet can i use to see funds on injective? I can see funds in the dashboard on the website, but nothing in Keplr or metamask..
Hi there folks, i have a few questions. I am using sentinel since a short while and i am quite happy about it. Is it possible to provide bandwidth and earn DVPN that way? I ha...
I mean, can it be made as simple as opening an email account or something similar?
Are they all part of big scam? or going to be scammed?
Hey there, why is evmos trading for higher prices in injective than on coingecko and coinmarketcap?
I am new to futures, can anyone explain why atom /USDT perps are trading currently at 31.2.on injective. much higher than the actual atom price or atom USD perps on binance? ...
Did anyone hear or investigate CUDOS token? Is it competition or complementary to Akash?
I can, but who are you?
can we deposit evmos already?
Ok what's the name of the project? Where can I see the progress
How do I transfer funds to injective chain?