210 похожих чатов

So regarding the vote About the cosms wasm proposal.

How do you all feel about it that anyone can see what you vote and that there appearantly can be consequences / rewards? isnt this highly agains the idea of democracy.. what if millionaires could just buy your vote to increase their power. or what if whales can buy votes to abuse system. Isnt there a way to make voting preferences private for each adress? so it cannot be seen by others. I suppose Secret might have this figured out. any thoughts on this?

1 ответов

9 просмотров

There are 184 M Atom at staked. Not easy to manipulate or abuse voting system.But unfortunately you are right about “rewarding address depending on their vote decisions” is definitely against to ethics. I encourage you to post those questions to forum.cosmos.network and engage with your post with devs/community members.

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