Admin... can you please share road map for IDEX?
Can I ask - due to which reasons IDEX shoot to 0.70 in last September?
So I need to sell it as I don't have any accounts on these listed ?
Is this true? Or scam
Isn't it a good idea for your team to contact each exchange to ask for swap instead of individual like us who need to do it as most of us not technical?
Hi Admin. I have ELF - bought on CoinSpot (in Australia). Can you tell what kind if ELF it is? Mainnet or other? Do I need to worry about swap?
Any significant news on the way for IDEX which will help it go little up?
Is there any nmmajor news on the way for near future?
How to stake? I have my IDEX on CoinSpot account
Is there any major news on the way for IDEX?
What price do you expect for IDEX in next 2 weeks?
Can you please send instructions to swap from Erc20 to mainnet?
Can I private message you? I have some particular questions
Are you planning to extend the deadline to swap to mainnet?
Us there amy updated roadmap?
Why the market is down?
Why aelf not moving up?