Guys how can I take array from user and then use math.min to get the minimum from the list?
pattern = '(https?:\/\/(www\.)?|www\.)(?=.*[mp4mkv]$)(.*)' links = [] for items in re.findall(pattern, str(soup)).group(1): links.append(items) print(items) Getting t...
Hey! Considerin' that I have a dictionary named Poets_glossary which has been filled from a for_loop, and I'm gonna write the dictionary in to text file like this: with ope...
Guys, I'm still getting 403 even though I'm using User Agent, any ideas?
What did you do?! probably you installed some packages as your graphic drivers and this happened or some packages were confilcted by some others so relevant packages to Xorg ...
Sure! Greater than guard! wanna make something that send messages on our Forum, like when you do this: /Q how to do ...? The bot will creat a topic, and when users can aswaer...
Considering that I have an output which contains some texts, Is there any way for me to let user choose one of these texts and then execute a specific function getting the tex...
Does guixsd have as much as packages as we have in AUR? if yes, it's worth to install it.
How do ya write the code below in JS: inp = input() for i in inp: print(i) I want each letter of the word to be printed! I can do it in python with the code above, how ...
Did ya know that your efforts for making people using GuixSD is really working?! like 5 of my friends are leaving Arch for GuixSD :))
Can You send me the bot source? @C0rn3j
I personally didn't test this idea but I had studied about it, so I just thought maybe it doesn't work sometimes or even if the user change the default shell what will happen?...
Listen if u run that python code it asks users to type two object and then it saves them in vars, how do you exactly get input from user (not using prompt function)?
The name of distro is "GuixSD" and the name of package manager is "Guix", right?!
what does this ~ operator do?
Donno why Russians always try to insult? what this cyka blyat means even? :)
@nancymcdonie90 Does GuixSD have wiki? It has a blog only in its site.
ian tell me about GuixSD installer, is it CLI based?
Encrypted? hmm! Check this out: (3)[13:02][ArchLinux][~]$ pkgfile ecryptfs-recover-private community/ecryptfs-utils (4)[13:02][ArchLinux][~]$
Ok, what we were talkin' about? Gccgo?