disable metamask first? sorry brother not undertsanding here?
How many AKT to make it?
What are satellites?
and how do I see how much my land has decayed dtal terms?
I get this error when I unstake. What could be causing this problem?
also, did the team opened all its land packs? They were keeping some for community reward and I think raffles back in the day. What happened to them?
Is it one of the team members who managed to do this? if so, then this is a bigger issue than what it supposed to be. Is there restrictions to team members going on missions, ...
guys during staking AKT, seeing the top validators, its says commission. Are these percentages the commission they take on your staking reward? If so, the lesser the commissio...
are we sure were making the right decision? Staking for 4 years in the middle of a bull run?
wen new things on AW? wen new development?
How do you disable browser wallet?
any results on the survey? any reactions from the dev team? I hope we do have some dev regarding thunderdome, DAO since its already 2022
is there a new site?
when governance?
hello any price chat or price discussion channel?
also, unstaking takes 21 days before you get your tokens right?
can we atleast see his wax account?