honest question: 1) how do we know arrr and xmr doesnt have a backdoor key created by the author? 2) is it true we cant audit supply of arrr and xmr? 3) if we decide to m...
ps. is there a way to provide liquidity for arrr? like on ethereum uniswap, let me know, i dont want to sell arrr and provide liquidity for others to trade with and get a yie...
how many arrr makes you a whale?
you have to wait for someone to take your trade? like otc?
also are we able to send even when the wallet is not syncd? or does the wallet need to be syncd to be able to send?
I’m on boarding someone through Staker (I use go.hex) 1) Is there anyway to use Staker without doxing yourself via google/apple? Guy doesn’t want to be wrenched for his keys...
How do i see a chart for hex that includes the early days?
What does RH mean by BTC incentivizes miners to dump btc to manage expenses whereas HEX holders are incentivized for “protection of price”? What are the mechanics of that?
Does anyone really know.. is Monero co-opted from the inside?
Anyone test the new iOS wallet? How you like it?
What is the anonymity set of Monero?
Does the iOS wallet show USD conversion value? Or btc value?
what crypto would people trade out ARRR for? (Honest question)