210 похожих чатов

Ps. is there a way to provide liquidity for arrr?

like on ethereum uniswap, let me know, i dont want to sell arrr and provide liquidity for others to trade with and get a yield on my arrr from trade fees while creating a market to buy and sell.

3 ответов

17 просмотров

I think Coinex and gate.io have it called AMM

CycleWatcher™- Автор вопроса
I think Coinex and gate.io have it called AMM

Thank you, will look into it!! just a thought... in the future all CEX will source coins/tokens from the DEX AMM ecosystem. Like they source ETH from uniswap. im perfectly OK with arrr not being easily available.. makes for great prices 🙂 but i can see wrapped ARRR everywhere on the dex's .. so people can buy it, then unwrap it > then send it to their ARRR wallet = instant privacy. Store gains in untraceable ARRR.

You could set up a Komodo Wallet (PirateDex branding coming soon) and place competitive spreads. If you had a few thousand dollars across an ARRR trading pair then a fair spread might be as high as +/-10-15%. If you had >$50K then a spread of 20-30% might work for you. The Komodo Wallet even allows you to use the same base coin to trade multiple pairs. First on, takes out a proportion of the trade. I think use the desktop version because keeping the screen always-on is a pain as it can overheat your phone and will drain your battery fast.

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