Guys, I have a gui desktop app that most part of it, created by gui elements and interact with some libraries like libaria2. It has a little business logic for unit testing. M...
Hi. I have a question about teating. How can I test an application that depends on external libraries or framework. For example a c application that depends on ncurses and lib...
Guys, I want to convert socks proxy of tor to https. How do that?
Hmm.. Interesting. Is there any practical example to follow? For popular frameworks like Django or asp. Net
Thanks. I have another question. Is there any difference between integration testing and using mock?
How do that in a gui app like gtk or even ncurses app? I mean a practical sample..
Is there any open source and free "speech/voice to text" library for c or c++?
Guys, what do you think about future of qt? Especially kde.
Thanks. Is there any way like nix but more minimal?
Hey. Clang doesn't have man pages?
What's the name of it?
What's cc?