Hello. I want to find the group that related to a specific key in QSettings. imagin this code: QVariant QtUtil::getValue(QString organization, QString application, QString gro...
Guys, in qml i wana to create a dynamic component: var component = Qt.createComponent("Button.qml"); if (component.status == Component.Ready) { component.createObject(pare...
Guys, in qt there is a method called copy for copy files from one directory to another. i want to copy a file from somewhere to another place, but i want to tell him if dest d...
Guys, i want to iterate all directories/files inside a specific directory recursively. i'm using QDirIterator and it returns 62 files. But when i get all files using tree co...
I ask it because i'm defining a similar function like this: char** address; address = (char**)malloc(2048); address[0] = "/mnt/D/WorkSpace/C/NeoDM"; show_statu...
Guys, in qt i want to use QProcess to switch to a directory and then list all files in there, something like this: QProcess qHome; qHome.start("sh", QStringList() << "-c" ...
Yes, it works. But another question. my project structure is something like this: src/*.cpp src/widgets/*.cpp src/widgets/*.h i want to cmake recursively include these files. ...
Seems awesome.. but i have a minimal workstation. i have i3 as wm and 750 other packages in arch. So i don't need gnome at all. The .iso file has 1.8 GB. is there another mini...
Look at this chart. i want to implement it in c. But i don't have any idea how do that?
I think fedora will be my friend in near future :)) What about user packages repo? Like AUR?
Hi. can i use opengl-es to generate an .apk file and run it on android devices?
Guys, how to download a YouTube video via c++ or qt?
What's wrong with this regex: std::regex r("(?<={{).+?(?=}})");
Guys, this is pkgbrowser to see list of all installed packed and their dependencies and so on.. I'm curious to know is there any equivalent of it in fedora?
Guys, in my country half of websites are banned by government. like facebook, twitter, telegram,... i decide to use a proxy server + dnscrypt to bypass this censorship. actual...
Hei guys. I'm looking for an app it library that take my speech and say me if I pronounced it well or not. Is there anything like this on Linux?
Gyus, I want to know that how can I create a simple gui kit via opengl? Do you know any good resource or book for start?
Hello. We know that we can protect files and directories with chattr utility. But i want to allow users to modify a file or create directories, but don't allow them to remove ...
So. Another question. How qt works? 😬 We don't write any single java code and it generates an .apk file for us.
Another question. what is the value of these variables: ${GTKMM3_LIBRARIES} ${GTKMM3_INCLUDE_DIRS} How cmake find them?