Well, I wanted to learn Linux, from scratch to pro. Hence was reading the manual, word by word and was experimenting things on Debian Testing. And was using Manjaro for regula...
1. Why? 2. When I'm using a floating point, it shows the correct output. However, on using int, it shows a different value, altogether.
Can someone explain me this? I'm messing up somewhere but where's that?
I'm using Manjaaro and it's hanging quite a lot. Anything that I can do? :/
I'm trying to install jekyll for a while. Could someone tell me the command to fix this error: You don't have /home/utkarsh2102/.gem/ruby/2.5.0/bin in your PATH?
Okay, I'd reframe my question. Which is the favorite distro so far?
Just curious, how many distros have you guys tried? :P
Favorite Distro? And why? Reply to this thread! :D
I heard Arch crashes a lot?
What in it?
Can you actually tell a part of it? What are you actually trying to do?
There are tons of languages out there. Why Cpp?
printf ("%.1f",a); What's the problem here?
Could you possibly guess the reason? :/
Are those the value you're entering?
Are you checking a perfect square? :P
How man distros have you tried so far?
Should I put it here, too?
How do I update Gnome, if so?
How many have you tried?