hey guys what is the fee required to the companies to use the overledger?
guys we are still waiting 19th right? Or they have moved it?
Hey guys, I have been holding my XRP at xumm with setup trustline for Solo. Did the airdrop already happened as I am not seeing my Solo tokens?
Does Genesis Premium users have 20m tokens of Safety Net program on their own or 20m in total as well?
How can we vote for emission reduction?
Hey everyone is Moonbeam crypto already life?
Hello, Is there Safety Net Program for the users of Smart Yield?
Hey guys, where I can check PancakeSwap (Cake) roadmap like any future developments etc?
When is the date for Xrp-Sec case decision?
Hey guys at what prices did Private Investors bought Polis token?
guys how many Quants will we need in order to deploy our node and help the network?
hey guys, what is your target for xrp? some are saying that xrp will go to 10$
Hey guys, is Pancakeswap actually burning more cake than creating?
Hey when is the alpha v2 launching?
Hey guys, what is the max supply of Cake?
Is licensing fees coming at march?
Where can I find active airdrops?
Is there going to be more QNT burns?