@michaelreuter , everyone , • Is Mobix.Family a bad name? The name “Family” is unclear to determine what exactly the app is or might be, especially upon first glance. For ...
does fetch have any plans to allow for staking that is not bonded? this is an excellent project, but the 21 day unbonded staking period sort undoes all that wonderful economic...
okay, i have one more question. it looks like recently fetch is no longer an erc-20 token and is just a mainnet on cosmos, correct? it seems like useful PoW might imply that a...
Thought 💭 After reading the awesome and exciting Mettalex Tokenomics 2.0 blog-post has there been any (internal) discussions/debates about whether the stablecoin’s token symb...
will the token-bridge “remaining allowance” increase and what does this mean? i thought i would be able to use the bridge with just 2 or 3 contracts but it looks like it’s goi...
Is a person’s Fetch address (that reveals all of their funds) listed underneath their name on their profile for all to view or is the address shown underneath their name a rot...
okay, and ledger connects to it?
yeah, is there going to be a focus on getting coinbase and other exchanges to upgrade to mainnet? it’s a maze to get into cosmostation and i’m too nervous to go through that m...
Would other user’s on Resonate be able to see each other’s on-chain address associated with their accounts?
is fetch ai network wllet chrome extension developed and maintained by core devs of fetch?
any discussions about integrating on cosmos by any chance?