is not bonded? this is an excellent project, but the 21 day unbonded staking period sort undoes all that wonderful economics designed in fetch. i have trouble seeing 3-4 week waiting periods to withdraw funds for ordinary people whom aren’t validators being desirable when delegated and pure PoS allow for liquid withdrawal of funds instantly. everything else about fetch is excellent. are there any discussions or anything about this ongoing within cosmos community? unbonded staking seems to be unfair for ordinary people. has the cosmos community specified a reason why bonding doesn’t apply to just validators?
Longer answer is. Fetch as a project rewards long term investors. This is done by incentivising longer stakes ( which increases network security). The 21 day unbodning period is problematic only if you're working with weekly or monthly time frames.
Yes there are a lot of discussions on various forums. Moreover the liquid vs bonded staking debate is also an ongoing one.
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