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What you guys think Fet can reach this bullrun?

21 ответов

16 просмотров

Before: $50 Now: $15


Before: $50 Now: $15

And ur not happy about 5x more after being up 50x? did u put in 20$?

And ur not happy about 5x more after being up 50x?...

“Bro why would you want to make more money?” 🤡

“Bro why would you want to make more money?” 🤡

Hhahahaha make sure ur not holding all the way down to 0.06$ when bera market hits

Hhahahaha make sure ur not holding all the way do...

Probably won’t time top but close to it. I don’t get greedy when the euphoria comes. For now…we are early

Probably won’t time top but close to it. I don’t g...

If u didnt take any profit after being up 50x there is pretty good chance ur greedy af

If u didnt take any profit after being up 50x ther...

Nope I’m just early in a cycle in a narrative coin after buying literal bottom.

Nope I’m just early in a cycle in a narrative coin...

I still dont get why are u crying about missing 100% gain.. u know how ridiculus crypto pump will get and where mc will go.. we can see multiple top10 projects go to 100bil+.. plus AI narrative is huge

I still dont get why are u crying about missing 10...

Because I saw Fetch at $50 before, now $50 would be a $100bn market cap (LOL!!!) vs a $50bn one. That is a drastic difference

Because I saw Fetch at $50 before, now $50 would b...

But wouldn't it be easier to get there with the increase in value from the added tech from the merger

But wouldn't it be easier to get there with the in...

No, because nobody cares about that. Who in their right mind still believes anyone cares about “tech”?

HAHAHAHA. Crypto noob

Bruh ive been here for 6yr.. previous bull run brpke records.. this one will too.. nobody imagined ETH at 4k when it was 60$.. "mc would be too high ur an idiot"

100bil in peak bull is realistic bro

Luna was like what somewhere around top 5-7 last bull run? And it had like 64b if im not mistaken, so not that easy.

Luna was like what somewhere around top 5-7 last b...

Thats where my point comes on me seeing more plausible FET reaching a 10b market cap rather than ASIS a 21b mcap. But thats my opinion.

We all did, tf are you talking about

Sure sure.. ppl were calling for 5$ before bul started lmao

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