209 похожих чатов

Hello, I'm a staker of Fetch.ai, should I unstake before

the merge? Thanks

14 ответов

11 просмотров
ZEITGEIST- Автор вопроса
Trema - "Global Professional Administrator" - I will never DM/PM
Not necessary

sorry to bother but could you explain me what is the outcome if I keep my staking position?

sorry to bother but could you explain me what is t...

You can continue to stake. Since the swap mechanism will be available at anytime you want to swap, you can always do that.

No need to unstake and swap?

Not a must. When you are ready, you can always do that.

Trema - "Global Professional Administrator" - I will never DM/PM
Not a must. When you are ready, you can always do ...

No auto conversion? Its just a ticker change. If all unstake at same time wont it destablise tje network?

No auto conversion? Its just a ticker change. If a...

The ticker is changing and network is maintained. Also, the swap mechanism will be available to allow long term stakers are exchange their tokens.

Trema - "Global Professional Administrator" - I will never DM/PM
Not a must. When you are ready, you can always do ...

So we do need to swap even fet tokens? I understood that any fet staked or not will just auto be renamed and no action needed for fet holders. Is that not right?

So we do need to swap even fet tokens? I understoo...

For now, only the FET tokens on exchanges will be automatically re-labelled to ASI

So we do need to swap even fet tokens? I understoo...

staked fet will probably have a contract to sign and that'll convert it. It won't be difficult, the most difficult part will be avoiding scammer links throughout this process

Trema - "Global Professional Administrator" - I will never DM/PM
For now, only the FET tokens on exchanges will be ...

Please check my dm for me. Or can you tell me who I can contact in case the Fet token in the old contract has not automatically changed to Fet in the new contract. I have tagged you many times about this

Normal Man
Please check my dm for me. Or can you tell me who ...

we still have a good chunk of time before this process goes down. Let the people up top figure out everything, they will walk us through.

Trema - "Global Professional Administrator" - I will never DM/PM
For now, only the FET tokens on exchanges will be ...

In my case Fet was in the old contract: 0x1d287cc25dad7ccaf76a26bc660c5f7c8e2a05bd and it was worthless, when they changed the contract the new tokens were automatically updated and as they said it was in primablock's wallet.

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