Hey all, aping into some pools atm. What's the most gas efficient way to go from BTC into cvx and cvxCRV? Was going to do binance BTC/CRV, then convert CRV to cvxCRV on conve...
@kendrickllama555 random question. When I use Chrome / metamask I see different rewards compared to when I use Firefox. Is there a way to sync my balances across browsers?
Is everyone not getting rekt with IL in that pool?
Hi all, if I stake my ATOM through pStake and use stkATOM elsewhere, will I still be eligible for Cosmos airdrops?
Oh rly?
hi all, what is the best swap platform for swapping MOVR assets? I want to exchange ETH for USDC
good afternoon peeps, where is the best place to trade native BTC for UST?
how do I approve the spending? I don't receive a popup