those are the infos to collect the logs, but why?
Does anyone know what MDM Diagnostics is in Windows? The purpose of it and the existence of
UX Writing question: Is there any impact when using the sentence "XX years ago" instead of "since YYYY". Example: "YouTube was launched in 2005." "YouTube was launched 17 ye...
Hi, with regex, how can I grab upper or lower case specifc words from string? I need to find the words Dwg, DWG, dwg and those with dot and same goes to PDF. /(.[Dd][Ww][Gg]... beginning of the end? 😅
hi how to generate multiple purged css according to the directory. Example if I have /blog I need purge css to scan only html from /blog/** and generate purged css only for b...
Wamp users can download & install PHP 7.3.2 from: Xampp users can wait a month of couple for the update 😁
Is there a possible way to turn off verify_peer when using new Mailer Component? In Symfony 5.1 (non-released master branch) it is possible to add it as DSN param, but how to ...
Im asking the logic. so, what is that kid going to do with cart item? He will add more items? let him do it and pay us 😁 We are not storing login details in the cookies, just ...
How to include used functions in js file on compile from ES6? (Tree Shaking) example: functions.js have 4 functions first, second, third and fourth in main.js src: import { f...
hello, could someone find if there any mistake in this Webpack 4 config? Fontawesome icons webfonts aren't loading to the specified font folder b...
Is there any issue with this approach? Im looking for suggestions.
lack of modularity and horrible syntax? Is that the reason? Simon told PHP > anything else, so you people are telling all other langs are perfect, modular, etc etc ?? 😁
Is is possible to push existing local git repo to a new branch in existing remote repo?
actually it is like helper functions, Im having multiple js files which requires functions from the functions file. But all my js files doesn't need them all. So, is it not ...
hey, what is the difference between symfony/dotenv and vlucas/phpdotenv? By looking at commits, vlucas started this on 2013. Why did symfony recreate? Is there any difference ...
Im very bad at asking what I need. Yes, compile using which tool and also how? So a link to tutorial would be fine.
How many of them? What about my friend giving me his address saying "Come to near Acme store". Then I will ask him to install this third-party map and ask him to update ASAP 😁...
PHP ain't that bad. PHP is easy to setup and build, is that the reason it is most hatred lang? If not give the reason
xampp is a crap! go intall WampServer and have fun migrate your projects to Wamp. Wamp is modular, you can install any package to an...