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Those are the infos to collect the logs, but why?

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Are you this lazy in other areas of life too

shmshd- Автор вопроса
Martin Rys
screenshot Are you this lazy in other areas of life too

I did not explain it well. My question was why does this report exist in a personal PC? This seems to be an enterprise thing. Does MS automatically do create a report in all the PCs with a scheduler? I thought someone who knew about this could explain. chuck it.

I did not explain it well. My question was why doe...

To add to this, if you care about not dealing with this crap, just use Linux, where people don't try to keep 50 different versions of the same library for maximum compatibility and just fix things to work on a unified environment.

Where can I read more about that?

Where can I read more about that?

There are a few talks and articles about the Intel managment engine(ME). but its always older or unspecific, since intel doesn't publish much and others have to hack into it.

AMD CPUs don't have that sort of stuff?

They have but there is much less information out.

Martin Rys

PSP is a security module inside AMD processors, but its not like Intel ME, because its more focused in implementing security functions rather than being a full blown backdoor like Intel ME which allows controlling the entire computer even while turned off Intel ME has different firmware implementations, vPro processors (found in business laptops and desktops) has the AMT firmware which has all the remote control capabilities easily accessible by admins. the non-vPro ones has a consumer-level firmware which does not expose remote control stuff to whoever is using the device. it IS absolutely possible that it has all the nobs and toggles in it, but you need a secret knock code to activate, you can be hella sure it is there for intelligence agencies to use as they need it. AMT has a call-to-home thing used to bypass firewalls, they call it MPS server, works pretty much like a botnet controller, the botnet devices AMT devices will connect to it and receive commands.

demon with L
PSP is a security module inside AMD processors, bu...

That the psp focusses on security is one reason why you hear less about it: less possible points to attack it.

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