I kinda hope the corporations will soon start bankrupting, there is a trend that suggests that, like disney making loses, google in panic mode, microsoft gaming departament mo...
I've just read the entire "boys club" debate. So it all escalated out of @im_uname banning a bot? -.- How unnecessary it feels
Your own?
Guys... Why are we still hating segwit? Is this a tradition?
You know what's important? Eating your veggies, healthy lifestyle
Any tldr why?
Pokkst is annon, so what's the problem?
Guys, do you consider feminism leftie?
Because is there any other that is maintained and usable?
So bitcoin foundation was a failure, but maybe linux foundation isn't? Wrong.
Hey guys, is there some marketcap website for cashtokens already to learn about the landscape?
Wasn't it like 4 months ago?
The entire key comparison of bitcoin issuance to gold issuance is a ridiculous joke. Ancient Sumer extracted more gold than we do today? Fucking 2000 tones a year?
How much does it cost to develop this kind of custom hardware and take it from PoC to a manufacturer?
When you say it's not in the implementation you mean it's not in the header?
y no new address bch:blahblah ?
Aren't we all naive to believe that we can achieve permissionless money?