Why I always get an error?
Do you know it?
How many dvpns are purchased daily to pay for the vpn service?
Whats with the winning poll of Sunny? Will he review Sentinel?
Almost 2000 more nodes in a week 🔥 where are they from?
Good morning, is there an explorer to see the token amount at a specific date?
Most users won't even know at some point that their money for the VPN service is being exchanged for DVPN in the background, right?
When I add a Cosmos account in Ledger Live, is this the account that I used bevor on Cosmostation? Or is it a new one?
Any news about the Dvpn router?
A chain who use Interchain Security, will they use it forever or just for the beginning? See we hundreds of consumer chains who use ICS in a few years?
Is the desktop client of the sentinel.co page only a wallet? Not for protecting?
Hi Guys, for the pstake airdrop, is it a problem when the fees are 0.005 atom for the magic transaction?